Crafty Cyber Pets


Please be nice to my cyber pets. They love you to visit and pet them, but just remember to be gentle with them.

Meet Beatrice! She is the guardian caretaker of my cyber pets while I am out and about on the net.Just touch her cheek to adopt your own web page guardian.
This is Kelly the Ellyphant. She is a very active ellyphant. She likes to skate and ride bicylces and draw on her easle, not to mention make popcorn (so she can eat it of course!)
Hi! My name is Pocket. I'm a very friendly ferret and I go by Pocket because that is my favorite place to ride.

NEEEEIIGGHGG!!! I am Paulo, just arrived and still checking out my new corral.

Brrrwhatit? Oh just blue frog.
Milo. Adult male manx, brown and a very special cat. He has an elegant (cat arrogance?) personality and his sofistication makes him just adorable.

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